Social studies


It is a social studies blog for our group!
Group name : Chocolatefrenzy23 Leader:Junhao
IT-coordinate:Zhi Quan
Blog Designer:Evan

04/01/2003 - 04/07/2003
04/15/2003 - 04/21/2003



Monday, August 17, 2009

Even before gaining the independence within Singapore, troubles between the chinese and malays were brewing. It all started when Singapore tried to achieve early independence with the help of Malaysia during the 1950's. Although Malaysia declined at first mainly because of a difference in races, they accepted in the end. Fortunately or sadly, it was not meant to last. After the merger, problems rised, not only were there racial riots but political and economical reasons as well. On 7 aug 1965, Malaysia felt that the merger between us were filled with problems and that the only way that our countries could still be neighbours was if we ended the merger quickly to prevent more bloodshed from happening. Although Singapore tried persuading Malaysia, Singapore broke off from Malaysia two days later. On this day, we the people of Singapore depended on ourselves. We were one.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is the blog of chocolatefrenzy23.
For the next few weeks ...
We will touch up on the bonding of singapore since its birth.
We hope you will enjoy our further posts.